*Regional surcharges may apply and will be shown at checkout. (Please see surcharge list for more information)
Standard Delivery 3-5 Working Days** | FREE |
Saturday Delivery (Order before 12 lunchtime Thursday) *** | <b “=” ” arial;=” ” font-size:=” ” small;”=””>Unavailable |
Express Delivery 1-3 Working Days** | £5.99 |
Standard Delivery (<2kg) 3-5 Working Days | £2.99 |
Standard Delivery (>2kg) 3-5 Working Days** | £4.99 |
Saturday Delivery (Order before 12 lunchtime Thursday) *** | Unavailable |
Express Delivery 1-3 Working Days** | £5.99 |
** Excludes surcharge postcodes. Please see surcharge list for more information. Please note weekends and bank holidays are not counted as working days.
***Order before 12pm on Thursday Lunchtime to get delivery the same Saturday. Please note this service is not available on regional charge areas, and will not show at checkout.
Express Delivery dispatch before 11am. Please note on the product page it will be advertised if the product is available for next day delivery; all the products on the order need to be available for next day delivery in order for the order to be dispatched same day on an express service. Orders need to be placed before 11am. Excludes surcharge postcodes. Please note weekends and bank holidays are not counted as working days.
Click & Collect is currently unavailable at this time, as we are taking precautions to ensure our customers and staff are kept healthy. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Local to Stratford upon Avon? Select our ‘Click & Collect’ option at checkout and when your order is ready, we will email you confirmation, and then you can come and collect it from our warehouse: PetShop, Unit A5 Precision Business Park, 100 Masons Road, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9BY.
All orders over 2kg with the below postcodes will incur a surcharge and will be calculated at checkout. They can also take up to 7 working days to be delivered due to the area. See below for more information.
Surcharge per 30kg parcel
AB | 37-38 | Aberdeen | £5.99 |
AB | 55-56 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
FK | 17-20 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
HS | ALL | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
IM | ALL | Isle of Man | £5.99 |
IV | ALL | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
KA | 27-28 | Arran | £5.99 |
KW | ALL | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PA | 15 | Oban | £5.99 |
PA | 20-49 | Oban | £5.99 |
PA | 60-80 | Oban | £5.99 |
PH | 10 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PH | 12 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PH | 15 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PH | 17-26 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PH | 30-44 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
PH | 49-50 | Northern Highlands | £5.99 |
TR | 21-25 | Cornwall | £5.99 |
ZE | ALL | Orkney Shetland | £5.99 |
PO | 30-41 | Portsmouth | £5.99 |
BT | ALL | Northern Ireland | £5.99 |
Channel Islands Under £19.99 |
ALL | Jersey & Guernsey | £5.99 |
Channel Islands Over £19.99 | ALL | Jersey & Guernsey | £1.99 |
Please note: we do not ship to BFPO addresses.
We have a new 30 day return policy so simply post the item back to us at: PetShop, Unit A5 Precision Business Park, 100 Masons Road, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9BY
If you are ever dissatisfied with any item for any reason whatsoever, you may return it back to us. We will reimburse you for the full value of the item. All we ask is that it is returned to us within 365 days of you receiving it and in its original/new condition. You will be responsible for the cost of returning the item. If you received free delivery then your refund will be minus the outgoing postage charge £6.00.
All the parcels are carefully packed by our delivery team and then double checked but in the unlikely event you end up with a different item call or email us on 01789 205095. Leave the parcel in the exact condition it arrived and post it back to us or we will arrange for collection with our courier. We will send you a new item immediately.
We are unable to send you out a replacement if you have opened the package. So please make sure to check your order before opening.
All items we send are fully insured. If in the unlikely event your order is delivered damaged/faulty, stolen or missing call us within 14 days on 01788 205 095 or email us [email protected] to inform us.
If damaged please take photos of the parcel in the exact same condition it arrived to you in and email them back to us. We may require the items back, so please keep them until you hear back from us. If we do require the items we will organise for a courier to come and collect them at no extra charge. If you are unable to provide proof of damage we may be unable to refund or resend.